
Welcome to MLGames.

I started this website on a whim.  I wanted to give people who aren't as fortunate as others a chance to play the games that said fortunate people play.  Downloading, and playing, games has always been a tug-o-war in the gaming industry, but I firmly believe that everyone should have the chance to at least try a game out whether or not they will buy a game for their own.

This website will provide browsers with a range of gaming titles.  They are not my own, and I will never take credit where it isn't due, so, if you want to thank me for them, please instead refer your friends to this website to join you in downloading many titles.  Having more people downloading from here will also give me more of an incentive to keep searching for games for you to download.

I will be trying to keep this website running smoothly.  I cannot promise to update daily, and I won't, but I'll definitely be here at least once a week to do what needs be done to keep you happy and coming back.  I working full-time in a job where I don't get paid as much as I am worth, and I have no way out of it until certain conditions arise.  Please support me by donating via PayPal.  You don't have to, but, if you find that you could spare some change, anything would be appreciated.  Thank you in advanced.

To end this little blog, I am quitting the gaming scene.  This isn't because I'm terrible at gaming.  This is because there are many other things that I need to take care of before I am able to get back into playing games.  It is unfortunate, but my priorities are set.  Because of this, I will try as hard as I can to support the people who are going to take my place in enjoying video gaming.  I wish that you all have as much fun as I did when I played - if not more.

Download.  Have fun.  Spread the word.
